
Grammar – Learning the fundamental facts and rules of each subject.

Children at this age have a unique ability to learn, recall and retain material. At this foundational stage of student learning, our focus is on memorizing and reciting new information. Utilizing effective techniques, including rhymes, songs, memory motion and visual aids, our teachers introduce information in math, science, Bible, reading, spelling, history, art, music, and eventually Latin.


Logic – Learning how particular facts are related in each subject

As youth begin to develop a fundamental knowledge of various subject matters, they become more transparent in expressing their opinions. Middle school children have the natural tendency to question and debate what they are taught. Our teachers nurture this tendency through guided conversation to help students use reasoned thinking to arrive at sound conclusions. This formative opportunity allows them to evaluate their own arguments before engaging in discussion with differing points of view.

Rhetoric – Clearly expressing grammar and logic components in each subject

The culmination of classical education is to intentionally and extensively practice the expression of the knowledge and understanding that has been gained in earlier years. Teachers help students hone their communicative skills and challenge their assumptions in order to promote further consideration. Students learn to engage, both in verbal and written form, in discussions that are both edifying to society and glorifying to God.

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